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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Creating a dazzling dress from Target's Deal of the Day (August 26, 2010)

One of Target's Deal of the Day is a simple sleeveless, cross over neck dress in black, red, Spanish Brown and Honest Purple. Taking a tip from this month's InStyle magazine you can take this $24.00 deal and make it a simple unique cocktail dress or just a fun blinged out dress for us girls who love the bling factor. You can apply Swarovski hot-fix rhinestones to the neck of the dress and the only other supplies needed is a pair of tweezers and an iron. Below are the steps to follow to embellish your dress.

Swarovski hot-fix rhinestones* - suggest using the 10ss crystals so that they don't get pulled off
Tweezers - suggest purchasing the ones with rubber handles

Lay your dress out flat so that you can lay out your crystals along the neck line. Once you are happy with your design, turn your iron on to the lowest setting and let it heat up. Once it is heated up then pick up a crystal with the tweezers and place the glue side to the iron for approximately 3 seconds, just long enough for the glue to melt, then place the crystal back on the dress where you took it from and then press the crystal down to firmly adhere to the dress.

Viola you now have a distinctly you unique dress for under $35.00, if you were able to secure the bargains I have described in the blog.

*You can search for the Swarovski hot-fix rhinestones online to purchase them as well as check your local crafts stores. I found the following web site that sales them for $6.95 plus $2.99 shipping for 144 10ss crystals.

From InStyle Magazine
A picture of the dress that they did.

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